
Hi Ian, I’m seeing a married man in real life and had a really strange dream about him. I dreamed that he was arrested by policemen from the serious crime squad and they kept trying to phone and email me from the police station to inform me because I was his next of kin. I started to bake him a cake so I could hide a file deep inside it but the police found out and put me in solitary confinement instead. I was really upset but then all sorts of people started visiting me and the police were so impressed that they set me free.


Dreaming about the police suggests that there is something in waking life that you are feeling a bit guilty about.The affair that you are having is seriously weighing on your conscience because you know that you can’t allow this situation to continue. Although you feel really close to your lover, he keeps sending you mixed messages and you are finding it really difficult to make a decision about him.

Your natural reaction is to try and take care of him and this is symbolised by baking a cake. Deep inside, you are hoping that your lover will file for divorce. You feel that your continued love and support will allow him to break free from his marriage and fully commit to you instead, but this is making you feel even more guilty.

Being placed in solitary confinement suggests that you re afraid of being left on your own and this is the main reason why you are continuing your affair. However, you also know that you must end it, even though it will be upsetting for a while. This will clear your conscience and leave you free to be with someone who is fully committed to being with you.